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How to set up a social share campaign

Let your ambassadors share a URL with their network

Laurens Bobbaers avatar
Written by Laurens Bobbaers
Updated over a week ago

You can use the social share campaign or the link share campaign to have your link (to your website, blog, vacancy, landing page, etc.) shared by your ambassadors on their social media networks.

Here are the different channels ambassadors can share on:

  • Facebook personal profiles

  • Facebook Page (only for API Share)

  • X account (available for API Share)

  • LinkedIn profiles (available for API Share)

  • LinkedIn Company Pages

  • Pinterest

  • E-mail

  • WeChat

  • WhatsApp

  • Xing

  • Link

Where do you start?

Click on the create campaign button and choose the first tile, "Like, comment or share our content". Here, you can paste the URL of the content that you want to be shared and select Share.

After clicking Next, the campaign builder opens, and you will see that certain information is already pre-filled based on the available data in your URL.

The first part contains your campaign and how it will look like in the community or on a landing page:

The campaign name you have to enter in the header is only visible to admins/managers. Choose a clear name so that you can easily distinguish your campaigns afterwards.

You can edit the rewards (initial reward + mystery reward) and the campaign author in the top. Next, you can add/edit the campaign title, campaign visual and campaign content.

In the sidebar on your right, you can optionally add one or more tags to easily find your campaign via the filters (in the backend and frontend). The summary is by default, empty. You can add a summary that will appear in the campaign preview tile of the community dashboard.

Next, you can choose the channels where you want to publish your campaign: in the community and/or on a landing page. You can add multiple languages: if you add a language, a language filter will appear in the top left of the builder so you can create the language versions:

When you create a share campaign in multiple languages, you have the option to allow your members to share in multiple languages. Click here if you want to learn more about this.


Finally, you can add a specific audience for your campaign and disable/enable comments & likes.

Campaign Variants

In the second part of the campaign builder, you can add and edit the preview of the share campaign. The preview contains the information that will show in the shared post, together with the URL:

  • Image

  • Title

  • Description

You can use the data fetched from the link (import from content) or manually upload and/or write a different copy. You can also click "Add variant" to add multiple versions.

You can also "duplicate" a specific variant to make editing easier.

The Ambassify system will pick different versions randomly when ambassadors share the link.

Next up, you can provide default messages for each channel. The default message will appear together with the shared post.

You can configure more than one default share message per channel. When more than one is configured, users can cycle through them to pick their favorite before they share.

💡If you lack inspiration, you can request the generation of default share messages for your share campaigns. Utilizing artificial intelligence, we'll create a share message that corresponds to the content of your campaign and is in the language of your campaign's settings. 🤖

This experimental feature may not be a permanent platform part. To use this feature, customers must sign an addendum to the DPA. If you would like to test this, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager.

You can control whether or not the share message should be editable by your members.

- When editability is turned off, and you haven't provided a default message, members won't be able to add a message to the share, and it will be shared without a message.

- When editability is turned off, and you've provided a single default message, this message will be used when sharing. Members won't be able to make changes to it.

- When editability is turned off, and you've provided more than one default message, members can still choose which one they want to use but won't be able to make changes to it.

Just so you know, this is only relevant to channels that support API share, as we cannot control the share message in other scenarios.

Below is an example of a post shared on LinkedIn via a social share campaign. It contains the following elements:

1: the default message

2: an image that you've set in the preview(s)

3: a title that you've set in the preview(s)

Set a default share message for Facebook, Xing, and LinkedIn (even without API share):

Facebook and Xing don’t allow us to pre-fill their share popups, so we added an extra step that allows your users to copy the message to their clipboard and paste it later. This is optional and won’t be shown if you don’t configure a default share message.

Share pop-up to share on Facebook with default share message:

Share pop-up to share on LinkedIn with default share message:

Before sharing the link via Ambassify, users can still change the default message and add their opinion.

Advanced settings

If you save your campaign as a draft, there are still some advanced settings that you can edit. Open the campaign and find advanced settings in the left sidebar. You can edit the following settings:

  • Put this item in the spotlight

  • Make this a featured item

  • Where should the campaign be shown? (Web and/or mobile app)

  • Attach data to participants: certain data can be added to users' profiles when they interact with the campaign

Besides that, just like with any other campaign type, you can add attachments to your share campaign.

All done? Don't forget to preview your campaign before publishing it!

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