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Twitter data permissions in Ambassify
Twitter data permissions in Ambassify

Which permissions do you give when connecting your Twitter account

Laurens Bobbaers avatar
Written by Laurens Bobbaers
Updated over a week ago

A great advantage of Ambassify's API-share* feature is that you can seamlessly connect your social network accounts to your Ambassify account. This lets you directly share or interact with campaigns without leaving our interface.

*for more information about sharing content via Ambassify, please read this article

In this article, we'll look closer at the data permissions that Twitter requires when you want to connect your Twitter account for sharing content via Ambassify (or any other third-party application). You will see this message:

These are the default permissions that Twitter requires. This does not mean that Ambassify uses these permissions exactly as they are described, nor do we influence how Twitter formulates its permissions. Because these permissions might feel intrusive to users, we will explain how Ambassify uses your Twitter account.

Creating Tweets

At its core, Ambassify needs access to your account to post Tweets on your behalf. You remain the owner of your account at all times, and only you can decide when a Tweet should be created. The main difference is that instead of you creating a Tweet on Twitter, you use Ambassify as a third-party tool to create the Tweet for you. This happens when you share a piece of content on Twitter via a Social Share campaign, image share campaign or video share campaign.

When you select Twitter as a channel and click the Share now button (or you use the scheduling tool), Ambassify converts this action by creating and posting it in a Tweet. This happens seamlessly via the API connection, so you don't have to leave the Ambassify interface.


To measure the impact of the tweets created via Ambassify, we track their potential reach and the number of clicks. Reach is calculated based on the number of accounts that follow your Twitter account. The higher this number, the higher your potential reach. Ambassify only tracks the number of accounts; we do not see who these accounts are. In other words, this is anonymized. The same goes for the clicks that your Tweets receive. Ambassify measures the number of clicks but doesn't collect any data about the Twitter accounts that are responsible for those clicks.

Permissions that are not applicable

Most permissions listed in the Twitter pop-up are not applicable (N/A). These are standard permissions formulated by Twitter but not used by Ambassify. In order to get permission to Tweet, the other permissions need to be accepted as well. To find out more about these permissions, we refer to Twitter's developer platform where this is described as well.



See Tweets from your timeline (including protected Tweets) as well as your Lists and collections.


See your Twitter profile and account settings.

Ambassify can see your profile and account settings and only reads out the number of followers you have to provide the above-mentioned reporting metrics.

See accounts you follow, mute and block.


Follow and unfollow accounts for you.


Update your profile and account settings.


Post and delete Tweets for you, and engage with Tweets posted by others (like, unlike, reply to a Tweet, Retweet, etc.) for you.

Ambassify only posts Tweets for you, as explained above. This only happens at the user's (i.e., Twitter account owner's) command. We do not delete Tweets.

Create, manage, and delete Lists and collections for you.


Mute, block, and report accounts for you.


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