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Audience filters

Audience filters will allow you to search through your members, group them and target your campaigns and messages at specific segments.

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Written by Ambassify Developer
Updated over a year ago

Whether you kickstart your community using a member import or your advocate army is growing out of control, you will want to manage them as efficiently as possible. Audience filters will allow you to search through your members, group them and target your campaigns and messages at specific segments.

Composing an audience

Let’s walk you through all the dials and knobs you have at your disposal when creating a custom audience using the audience filters. Each option is highlighted in the screenshot below.

Filtering mode

Filtering mode can be used to switch between different types of matching.

Match all filters This requires that any member of the audience you are creating must match all of the filters you have added. If one of the filters does not match a person, that person will no longer be included in the created audience.

Match any filter Whenever the audience uses this filtering mode a single matching filter will include the person in the audience, regardless if there are other filters that do not match the person. This allows you to select based on multiple conditions, for example Every person named John or Jane.

Field name

The field name indicates on which field the filter will operate; in our screenshot below, we are filtering based on the values of the email address and First name fields.


Each filter has a configuration that allows you to specify how it should or should not match your members. The options and how you should use them can be found in the section on filter types.

Description of filter

The description of your filters summarizes what that specific filter does in a single, short sentence. This helps you keep an overview of what is happening as soon as you close the panel for a specific filter.

Removes filter

This button removes the configuration and filter that is directly above it; in our example, it would remove the filter on the First name field.

Filter types

Filter types determine which type of filtering can be performed on a field. The Ambassify platform will automatically select the type best fit for the field you are trying to filter on.

Below is a list of the available types of filters and explained what each

Some filters apply to almost any kind of field, these filters are concerned with checking if a value is set or not and don’t have any relation to the type of field.

has any value This filter allows you to check if any value has ever been set, regardless of the actual value. This is useful if you want to check if an advocate has provided certain information, for example the language in which an advocate wants to be addressed.

is unknown Here we perform the opposite check of has any value. This filter matches any advocate that does not have any value set for this field.

Text filters

Text filters are useful whenever you want to match a field containing text against a specific string of text. An example would be all users named “John”.

Text filters will always perform a case-insensitive match, meaning there is no difference between the search term “John” or “john” without the capital J.

is / is not Using the is filter, it is possible to check for exact matches between the value in the field and your search term. Similarly is not matches any person where the field does not match the search term.

starts with / ends with If you are looking to match only the start or end of the field's value against your search term, you will need to use starts with or ends with respectively. These allow you to search for any person where the specified field has the search term either at the start or end of it’s value.

contains / does not contain The contains filter allows you to check the presence of the search term in the field you are searching. Whenever your search term is part of the value for that field, regardless of the location of the match, the person will be added to your audience. Similarly does not contain will match any person that does not have a match between your search term and the value in the selected field.

Date filters

Whenever a field contains a date or timestamp, the Date filter will be presented. Using the date filter you can select a range of valid values for the selected field. You select one of the types of filters you’d like and use the date picker next to it to select the date or timestamp.

before / after Both the before and after filters allow you to select a date or time. This timestamp will be used to select people for which the specified field is set to a time before or after the date you selected.

before or at / after or at These filters work very similarly to the before and after filters, however these will include people with exact matches to the specified date and time in the audience.

between The between filter works very similarly to the before and after filters, but you are required to enter two different timestamps for this filter. Only the people for which the specified field's value falls between these two dates will be selected.

Numeric filters

Numeric filters operate on fields that only contain numbers, the field containing a person’s points is an example. This filter supports some of the most common numeric comparisons.

is / is not Selecting only those people for which the specified field matches the value entered into the current filter. Or for is not , where the field's value does not match exactly.

greater than / less than Selecting only those people for which the specified field is either greater than or less than the value entered into the current filter.

greater than or equal to / less than or equal to Similar to the greater than and less than filters with the difference that it will match any person with an exact match to the entered value.

between This filter will select any person for which the value in the current field sits between the entered maximum and minimum of this filter.

Boolean filters

Whenever a field only contains binary answers, such as Yes, No, True or False you will be presented with the boolean filter.

is The boolean is filter allows you to make a binary decision on whether the value should be false or true. True might also be read as meaning Yes and False as No depending on the context in which this filter is shown.

Language filters

Whenever a person is first identified on the platform we will store the language that fits his/her computers’ configuration best. At some later points you may filter your advocates based on this field. The language filter allows you to leverage this information to target the people that speak a specific language.

Remember that we will only allow languages that are enabled for your account.

Interaction filters

The interaction filters allow you to get insights into your advocate's activity. You can filter your ambassadors based on the number of interactions, when they first interacted, or when they last interacted with content you published using Ambassify.

interaction count If you would like to filter on the number of interactions a person has had with a specific campaign or across all campaigns, this is the filter you'll need. It functions the same as numeric filters, except that you can select the campaign for which you would like the interactions to be counted.

When looking for advocates that have ever interacted with the Ambassify platform, you can create a filter that requires that the interaction count be greater than 0.

first interaction Using this filter, you will be able to select people based on the date of their first interaction, similar to the date filters. Like the interaction count filter it is possible to limit this filter to a specific campaign rather than across all interactions.

last interaction This filter works the same as the first interaction filter, but will filter on the last interaction we have on file for an advocate.

Net Promotor Score

Net Promotor Score is a very important factor in the selection of community members; because of this reason, it is possible to filter the submissions that you have gotten from your members.

NPS Score Filtering on NPS scores provided by your members is essential to establish who is a detractor, passive or promotor. The NPS Score is a numeric filter that applies to all of the NPS submissions of a person. Using this filter, you can select advocates based on the raw scores they have submitted (0 - 10).

NPS submissions Similar to interaction count this filter is a numeric filter that allows you to filter your members based on the number of times they submitted an NPS score.

first NPS This filter allows you to filter members based on the first time they submitted an NPS score. Like the first interaction filter this uses all of the options availble to a date filter.

last NPS This filter works exactly the same as the first NPS filter, but will filter on the last NPS submission timestamp.


Address field The address filter is very similar to the Text filter, except that it allows you to search in a specific part of a member's address. The Address field dropdown contains the four fields within an address on which you can filter, once selected you can choose between all of the options discussed under the Text filter section.

Reward requests

You can filter your members based on whether or not members have requested any or a specific reward in the past and in which state the request is.

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