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Get started with Zapier triggers, actions and searches.

Elise Breban avatar
Written by Elise Breban
Updated over 2 years ago

If your looking to integrate with a service or platform not directly supported by Ambassify you can use Zapier to make your integration happen with ease.

Zapier lets you connect Ambassify with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

What can you do with Ambassify and Zapier?

Ambassify has a page on the Zapier marketplace that always contains the most up-to-date information on the automations supported by Ambassify and the other tools you might want to integrate.

Getting started

  • To use Zapier you'll have to set up your own account with Zapier. Zapier is not part of your Ambassify subscription, however you can get started with their Free Tier.

  • You'll need to build an automation yourself that meets your needs within the Zapier user interface. Ambassify will provide support for the integration with Zapier, however will not build automations for you.

Adding Ambassify to Zapier

Details required to set up your Zapier integration can be found in your account settings underneath the API Tokens menu. You can create an API token to use with Zapier there as well.

Check out our integration page on Zapier for examples and more information on our triggers and actions:

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