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Prepare your website for sharing on social media
Prepare your website for sharing on social media
Ambassify Developer avatar
Written by Ambassify Developer
Updated over 11 months ago

Prepare your website for sharing on social media

When someone shares a link on social media, you often see some very nice previews of the link with images and content included. The same is true for Ambassify’s social share challenge. If you configure your website right, things will start looking amazing automatically. The best thing about Ambassify is that if it works on other social media, it also works on Ambassify—no extra effort is required.

Getting your website ready

If you’re using a CMS like WordPress, chances are good you just have to install a plugin, and you’re good to go. WordPress, for example, has the Yoast SEO plugin, which can take care of this for you.

In case you’re not using a CMS or your CMS does not offer a plugin for this, you’ll have to dive into the code yourself. This next part is aimed at developers.

To add support for these social media previews, you’ll need to add <meta> tags to the <head> section of your web pages. These are different for every social media channel, and everyone has their own guides and best practices (linked below). Ambassify should detect any configuration, but it always gives preference to the Facebook tags if they are available.

A great article to get you started is available as, you can read it here:

For more in-depth information, check these links:

Testing your website

We’ve found this great tool that automatically checks a link for you: SocialDebug

You simply go to the website, fill in your link, click “Grade My URL” and they will take you to a results page that gives you a score, tips to improve and even an image preview for a multitude of social media sites.

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