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Customized community tabs

Create and edit community tabs for segmented campaigns

Laurens Bobbaers avatar
Written by Laurens Bobbaers
Updated over a month ago

A new feature for our enterprise customers allows you to customize the campaign tabs for your community on the mobile app as well as on the web version. You can add extra tabs, rename the tabs, set up custom rules for which campaigns you want to include in the tabs, and decide in which order they should be displayed.


Thanks to customized community tabs, you can offer your content and campaigns in a way that is fully tailored to your audience. Depending on how you segment your members and/or your content, there are multiple approaches that you can use.

For example, let's say you use the community for three different purposes: to spread the word and to increase social reach (employee advocacy), to have your employees get to know each other better (employee engagement), and to stimulate your workforce to raise their voice on different topics that are relevant to your company or department (employee engagement). You could then choose to offer your campaigns in community tabs with names and content like:

  • Social sharing: show campaigns where you ask members to share your content

  • Who is who: show campaigns that are related to your employees (e.g. interviews, anecdotes, ...)

  • Feedback: show campaigns that ask members for their feedback (ideation, polls, ratings, voting)

Do you already start seeing the possibilities? Very good! Now let's take another example. Let's say you are providing content around certain themes. You can then customize the community tabs so that your members get to see related campaigns in separate tabs, making it easy to browse through and interact with your content. For example, such themes could be:

  • Innovation

  • Sustainability

  • Products and services

How does it work?

If you want to customize your tabs, go to Settings > Community > Campaign tabs.

Here, you can rename and edit existing tabs, add new tabs or delete other tabs.

You can customize the tabs for the web version of your community as well as for the mobile app. You can choose to make both identical or to apply some differences.


When you're adding or editing a tab, you have several customization options. You can choose an internal name that is only visible to you as an admin and then give appropriate and descriptive names that will be visible to your members. If you have multiple languages, you can of course provide each language with a corresponding name.

In the settings, you can choose to show all campaign totals, displayed between brackets next to the tab name. This means that members get to see how many campaigns are in a certain tab. You can also choose to show featured posts first, for example, to replace the "featured tab". Finally, you can hide a tab for members when you want to see this as an admin only. Typically, this is when you want to see for example all the drafts or scheduled campaigns.

Next, you can determine which campaigns should be visible in the campaign tab.

You can include or exclude campaigns that are connected to specific tags.

  • all of the selected tags: campaigns should have all selected tags in order to appear in the tab (e.g. blog AND marketing)

  • some of the selected tags: campaigns should have one or more of the selected tags in order to appear in the tab (e.g. blog OR marketing)

  • none of the selected tags: campaigns may not have any of the selected tags (e.g. as long as they don't have the tag blog or marketing)

You can choose which campaign states you want to show and decide to show all related campaigns or only the featured campaigns or vice versa.

Finally, to make life easier you can checkbox the option to duplicate the tab for the mobile app/web version, depending on where you started customizing.

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