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Adding a suggest campaign as a source

Using the interactions of a suggest campaign as a source for new campaigns

Elise Breban avatar
Written by Elise Breban
Updated over a week ago

The interaction RSS feed of Suggest campaigns can be used as an import source so you’ll be able to convert an interaction into a new campaign. In this article, we'll guide you through all the steps.

1. First you need to create a suggest campaign

Follow all the steps to create the campaign and save the campaign as a draft.

You will then be redirected to the settings of the campaign.

To be able to add the interactions as a source, we need to set up the form correctly so we can collect all necessary data to create a new campaign.

2. Setting up the form

Click on 'form' in the left menu of the settings. You will see that there is only 1 field "suggestions' added in this campaign.

Now we need to add some extra fields to be able to retrieve all the data we need.

To be able to create a new campaign, we need the following data:

Title, URL, header image, and the body of the campaign.

Form fields with these names will be picked up from the suggestions automatically:

  • title will become your campaign title

  • link will be used as the link in your campaign

  • image will be used as the header image

  • suggestion will be the content of your campaign

Important: when adding the name to your fields, be aware that this field is case-sensitive. Use only lowercase!

3. Retrieving the RSS feed

You can find the link to the RSS feed in the settings of your campaign via 'feeds'. Here you can copy the RSS feed for interaction.

4. Adding the feed as a source in ambassify.

Go to the general settings of your account with the gear icon in the top menu.

Via 'import sources' you can add this link as an RSS source.

5. Create a new campaign from new suggestions.
When someone filled in the suggest campaign, you can use this data to create a new campaign via 'import sources'.

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