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Setting up generic Ambassify Campaign

Just an Ambassify campaign without any extra's.

Elise Breban avatar
Written by Elise Breban
Updated over a week ago

The Ambassify Campaign (Click it campaign in the old wizard) is a simple campaign that adds a large Call-To-Action button underneath your post’s content.

The button can be used to have an Ambassador indicate that they have performed the action you requested them to perform.

This is what it will look like in the community:

How do you create an Ambassify campaign?

To create an Ambassify campaign, open the campaign builder; in the I want my Ambassadors to page, click on the check out our content option.

At that point, select the Ambassify campaign option, then click the next button.

Here, you will be able to fully customize your campaign as you please, as well as choose the way your Ambassadors will have to prove that they completed the campaign: you can choose among Click on confirm button, Fill in link, or Upload an image.

In return for completing the action, your Ambassadors can be rewarded with points.


Like with any other campaign type it is possible to award your Ambassadors with both a initial reward and a mystery reward.

The initial reward is rewarded as soon as the Ambassadors click on the CTA button. Depending on whether the action needs validation from a community manager we suggest you to not set a reward that is too high.

The mystery reward will be awarded whenever a community manager validates the Ambassador’s action from within the Ambassify administration panel. These kinds of rewards are useful for offline actions or actions that can not be reliably verified automatically. An example of this is asking your Ambassadors to leave a comment on an external website. We are unable to verify the screen name and content of the comment, so the community manager will have to verify this manually.


Here are some example uses for the Ambassify campaign:

  • Ask Ambassadors to sign up for an account.

  • Let the Ambassadors tell you they were at your conference.

  • Verify if they saw your commercial.

  • Let Ambassadors know they vouched for you.

The possibilities of the Ambassify campaign challenge are endless!

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