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Microsoft Teams integration
Microsoft Teams integration

Integrate your community into the Teams desktop, mobile and web application.

Elise Breban avatar
Written by Elise Breban
Updated this week

Bring your community closer to your members by integrating your Ambassify community within the Microsoft Teams app.

How does the integration work

Once Ambassify has been installed within Teams, you'll have access to the community from the Teams sidebar and easily access it and all its content with one click.

Note: Due to an issue with MS Teams, our integration currently doesn't work when using MS Teams in Firefox.

Ambassify Teams App

The Ambassify Teams app can be installed from the Microsoft Teams Store (just search for "ambassify") and works for any community that has not enabled a whitelabel domain. If your community is whitelabeled (not running on a link that ends with "") please check below for our whitelabel Teams app.

When you have installed our Teams app, but have not configured it in the Ambassify backend yet, you'll see a warning screen like shown below. Follow the steps below the image to configure the Teams app.

To configure MS Teams, go to your Ambassify admin panel and follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Settings" using the cog icon in the upper right corner

  2. In the left sidebar, scroll down until you see the "Integrations" panel

  3. If there is already a "Microsoft Teams" entry, click it and skip to step 7

  4. Click the "Add/Remove Integrations" button

  5. On this page, you should see "Microsoft Teams" as one of the available integrations, enable it using the toggle next to it. (If you don't see Teams in the list, it is not part of your Ambassify plan, get in touch with us for more information.)

  6. Click the "Configure" button under "Microsoft Teams"

  7. Fill in your "MS Teams Tenant ID" which was shown on the warning screen and click "Save Changes" in the grey header bar.

  8. Refresh your MS Teams, the app should now show your Ambassify community

Finding My Tenant ID

If you prefer to configure things in Ambassify first so the warning screen shown above will not appear you can use these hints to figure out your Tenant ID in advance. When you have it you can follow the same steps shown above.

Your Teams administrators can find the tenant ID on the properties page in the Azure AD admin center.

Anyone can find the tenant ID using the following steps:

  • Open the Teams tab within the MS Teams app

  • Click on the three dots (...) behind one of the teams you belong to.

  • Click on Get link to channel

  • You'll find the Tenant ID at the end of the URL, after the text tenantId=

Whitelabeled Teams App

The whitelabeled Teams app will use your logo and colors in the Teams sidebar, rather than the generic Ambassify branding and it part of our whitelabeled domains package.

Adding the integration to the company catalog

To install the Ambassify community into your Teams application, an admin must first add the Ambassify application to the company catalog.

If the Teams integration is available in your plan, you can go to the settings in the backend of your account, go to Integrations, and click Microsoft Teams. Here, you can download the application installer. If you don't see this in your account but would like to receive more information, feel free to contact your Customer Success Manager.

You can upload the file you'll receive to your organization's catalog.

How to install the integration

Once the application has been added to your company catalog, you can install it within Teams.

To do so, go to the 'Apps' section in the bottom left of your Teams sidebar. Click on 'Built for your org,' and there, you'll find the Ambassify community. Click on it to install Ambassify on your account.

Once installed, you can choose to pin Ambassify to the sidebar by right-clicking the Ambassify icon and clicking on 'Pin.'

Pre-installing the integration

As an organization admin, you can also pre-install the Ambassify application for your Teams users by using policies. You can set up a Teams policy that pre-installs and even pins the community in the Teams app.

Please note that it might take up to 24 hours for policy changes to be reflected in all of your users' Teams applications.

Member Activity

Activity from members using Microsoft Teams is tracked separately from other channels. You can see Teams usage when you split a report by “Channel” or filter on Teams usage using the “Channel” filter.

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