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Choice of language in the recruitment form
Elise Breban avatar
Written by Elise Breban
Updated over a week ago

If you set-up a recruitment form for your potential advocates, you want them to receive all future communications in the language they prefer.

We have two possible scenario's:

  1. You have already imported a large database of (potential) advocates and will send them a message with Ambassify to fill in the form.

  • If you only selected one language in the general "language" setting (image below), then it's easy: you decided that all communications will be in one language (e.g. English). You make the form in one language, and everyone will see it in this language.

  • After selecting different languages in the above setting, things getting a little bit more complicated. Every recipient will receive your message in the language that's imported in his member profile. You target your audience in the set-up of the message. After opening the form, they will see the same language (the one that is filled in their Ambassify member profile). You can insert a language form field in your form if you want to check their favourite language explicitly. The language that they choose, will be saved in their profile for future communications.

2. You will insert the link to the recruitment form on your social media channels or website page(s).

  • If you want to insert the recruitment form on language specific webpages (NL form URL on the NL website page, FR form URL on the FR website page, etc.), you can use the language parameter in the URL. After an interaction, the language of that member will be updated.

  • If you insert one general form link on your website or in a social media post, the form will be shown in the language of the recipients' web browser. We advise you to add a language form field so that your advocates can confirm that this language is the one they prefer in the future. Their choice will be saved in the member profile.

3. You will send out the recruitment form by e-mail without using an Ambassify message (maybe because your contacts are not GDPR-proof so that you can't import them in our tool before they give permission in the recruitment form itself).

  • If you are 100% sure of your recipients' language preferences, you can use the language parameter in the URL (e.g. send the FR form URL to your FR recipients, send the EN form URL to your EN recipients, etc.). After an interaction, the language of that member will be updated in the Ambassify member profile.

  • If you are not sure of your recipients' language preferences and send out one e-mail (e.g. in English) to everyone with a general link, the form will be shown in the language of the recipients' web browser. We advise you to add a language form field so that your advocates can confirm that this language is the one they prefer in the future. Their choice will be saved in the member profile.

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